Spa News: Washington Spa Alliance Marks 5th Annual Symposium with Gathering of Regional Spa Groups

Image courtesy of MG PRImage courtesy of MG PR

Image courtesy of MG PR

Washington Spa Alliance is set to celebrate its 5th Anniversary with an Annual Symposium that serves as the first national gathering of representatives from the nation’s regional spa associations. The interactive symposium, whose audience will include local, regional and national leaders, will take place at the National Press Club on Tuesday, March 17th, from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

This historic gathering of spa leadership will spark a national conversation designed to inspire the spa community to advance a human agenda of health and well-being. Washington Spa Alliance is a knowledge center, connecting spa professionals in the nation’s greater capital region. The group works to promote the exchange of innovation in the field and t o ensure the highest spa ideals are met through policy and action. Americans increasingly have turned to spas to learn the importance of diet and exercise, the benefits of organic plant-based diets, to redefine ideas of beauty and well-being, and to learn techniques of stress-reduction and preventive medicine.

On March 18th, members of WSPA and the regional organizations represented will visit with congressional leaders on Capitol Hill to address how the spa industry can support the nation’s overall move to a healthier lifestyle.

Attendance is limited. Reservations are being accepted on a first-come basis at Cost is $100 for Washington Spa Alliance members and $175 for non-members ($75 of the non-member rate may be applied to an individual membership in the organization). Members or non-members paying full price may bring guests for $75 apiece (reduced rate excludes the annual membership).

A block of rooms, available on a first come basis, has been secured at Cosmos Club at a favored Symposium rate. Reservations must be made directly to Cosmos Club and marked as WSPA group: Email:[email protected]; Phone: 202.387.7783; Fax: 202.234.6817. Cosmos Club’s historic mansion on Embassy Row at Dupont Circle is located at 2121 Massachussets Avenue, N.W.;

TO REGISTER: For complete updates to the schedule and to register for the Symposium, log onto Washington Spa Alliance is located at 1602 28th St N.W., Washington, D.C., 20007, and can be followed on Facebook and on Twitter @WASpaalliance.

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